Python is becoming a very popular career choice because of its multiple features and scope. In this blog, we have listed top python interview questions and answers for a beginner which will help them to crack any interview.
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Q1. What is Python?
Python is a high-level programming language with simple syntax. It is an object-oriented language that supports different platforms such as Windows, Linux, and MAC. Mostly it is used in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. It is a very simple language that any beginner programmer can learn quickly.
It is widely used in software development, Mathematics, and Data Science Applications.
Q.2 Can you differentiate between tuples and lists?
1 We can edit the lists but we can’t edit tuples.
2 Lists are slower than tuples
These 2 are the main basic differences between lists and tuples
Q.3 what are the Benefits of Python?
It does not require any compilation of code for execution.
It is free and open-source language: is publicly available to reuse and can be downloaded without any cost.
It is a portable language: Python programs can run on different platforms without affecting its performance.
Python is very flexible and extensible
It is Object-oriented, has Built-in data structure and high-level language
Q.4 What are the applications of Python?
Python is widely used in software development areas:
Web, Internet, Language, and Game Development
It provides multiple web frameworks such as Django, Flask and Pyramid which are used in application development.
SciPy and NumPy frameworks are useful in scientific and computational development
Operating systems, Image processing, and graphic design applications
Business App development
Q.5 What is PEP 8?
Python Enhancement Proposal (PEP) it is a document or set of rules which provide information about how to write python code
Q.6 Is Python Language case-sensitive?
Yes, python is case sensitive.
Q.7 Explain conversion types in Python
Conversion of one data type into another is the conversion in Python
hex (): conversion of integers into hexadecimal
Int (): conversion of any data type into integer type
float (): conversion of any data type into float type
oct (): It converts an integer into octal
ord (): it converts characters into integer type
list (): This is one type of function which is used to convert any data type into a list.
Str (): convert an integer into a string.
Q.8 Differentiate between remove() function and del statement
remove() function is used to delete a specific object in the list. Del is used to deleting any object at a specific location.
Q.9 Which are the different types of operators in Python?
Python is having a set of operators that performs a variety of operations.
Arithmetic Operators:-
Arithmetic operators are used to performing some basic arithmetic operations.
# Addition of two numbers
# Subtraction of two numbers
# Multiplication of two numbers
# Division of two numbers
Relational Operators:-
Relational Operators comparing the values, test the condition and then returns a Boolean value either True or False.
# Examples of Relational Operators
a, b = 9, 11
print(a==b) # False
print(a<b) # True
print(a<=b) # True
print(a!=b) # True
Logical Operators:-
These operators are used to perform logical operations like And, Or, and Not.
a = True
b = False
print(a and b) # False
print(a or b) # True
print(not b) # True
Assignment operators:-
Assignment operators are used to assigning values to the variables.
print(a) # 4
a += 2
print(a) # 6
a -= 2
print(a) # 4
a *=2
print(a) # 8
a **=2
print(a) # 64
Membership operators:-
These operators check whether an element is a member of the sequence or not. Python uses two membership operators
1) in Operator
2) Not in operator
# examples
list = [2,4,6,7,3,4]
print(8 in list) # False
cities = ("India”, “Bangalore")
print("Mumbai" not in cities) # True
Identity Operators:-
(is and is not) both are the identity operators used to check two values or variable which are located on the same part of the memory.
# example
a = 7
b = 11
print(a is b) # False
print(a is not b) # True
Q.10 is Python interpreted language?
Yes, it is an interpreted language. Python language programs can run directly from the source code. Python language converts the source code into intermediate language code, and then it is translated into machine language that has to be executed. It doesn’t require any compilation for executing program
All the above listed are some basic Python interview questions and answers which will surely help you to crack the interview. NearLearn provides Best Python Training in Bangalore and also provides training on different courses such as Machine Learning, Blockchain, React JS, React Native, Data Science and many more. Call: +91-80-41700110