Python programming language is the most powerful programming languge and it started dominating other programming languages such as C, C++ or Java.
Python is one of the fastest growing programming languages and has more than 20 years of success history. It definitely has a bright future ahead as it is useful in almost every industry. Python is best used for app development, web development and web apps, game development, and scientific computing etc.
Why Python has become more popular?
Python provides amazing features which catches every programmer’s or developer’s attention towards it. Python has very simple code and it is very easy to read and write rsulting the less confusion among the programmers. One of the biggest and popular tech company Google uses Python for their various applications and projects. Here we are going to discuss some features of Python from which we will get to know the reasons why it has become so popular.
1. Python Has A Rich And Supportive Community
Most of the other programming languages have supports issues but python comes with supportive community. There are plenty of documentation, tutorials, guides and much more in python to help it’s users. There are many experienced developers and programmer in the Python’s community who are ready to provides support to the users at any time.
2. Easy To Code And Write
Python has a very simple and readable code as compared to other programming languages such as Java, or C++. The code is designed in an easy manner which can be easily learned by even a beginner programmer. To master Python programming, it will require a lot of effort as well as time, but for beginners, to learn this language from scratch is easy.
3. Open-Source And Availability
Python is a free and open-source programming language that means its source code is publically available one can modify or use its code directly.
4. Standard Library
Python has a huge number of standard libraries. The use of these libraries is to eliminate the effort to write code. The library consists of pre-written codes and functions, so you don’t need to write code again and again.
5. Cross-Platform Language
Python can run on different operating systems such as Windows, Linux, Ubuntu without any difficulty so it is also called a portable language. if you have written your code for the Windows and in case you need to run it on a Mac platform, there is no need to make changes in your code to run it on other platforms.
Career Opportunities
as compared to other programming languages, Python has better and growing career opportunities. Many IT businesses are recruiting for candidates with experience and skills in Python languages. Also, it has a great career scope in the near future.
Here are some positions that companies are looking for with experience and skills in Python.
Python Developer
Software Engineer
Senior Software Engineer
Software Developer
DevOps Engineer
Data Scientist
Not only startups but even big and popular companies are also using python programming in their business application and web development. Facebook, Nokia, IBM, Pinterest, Quora, Instagram, and Dropbox are some popular companies using Python for programming.
Applications of Python
Web Development, App Development, Game development is some main applications of Python but it is also used for Machine Learning, Data Science, Data Analysis, and embedded applications.
Why Python has a very bright future?
Python is the most favorite programming language of all time among the programmers. Without any doubt, it is beating other programming languages. It has its use in the development of almost every kind of application and also has huge libraries, community support, and many more advantages.
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