Online training and classroom training both are very different concepts and each one having its own advantages and specialty so that we cant compare them with each other. It all depends on the trainee as everyone has their own comfort in a particular type of training.
Audience engagement
For some students or learners, it is comfortable to speak directly to the instructor, as it is a healthy type of communication that includes body language. This can be achieved by physical classroom sessions as well as online events, like classes and webinars.
virtual training also has its own benefits. for example, Video learning which is very popular among today's generation.
Adaptability of training
When you have a recording of the training session, you can able to focus on the points that are most useful and relevant to your work. Most live training also allows you to skip the stuff that you already know and spending your valuable time on learning new things.
In classroom training, there is a focus on training a group of people at the same time. With classroom training, your trainer also gets a chance to participate in discussions, which is a far better way to get new information and deep knowledge. Another advantage is that live classes often offer hands-on exercises designed to practice your new skills and boost confidence.
With the help of recorded videos, learners can access the training session or content anytime, anywhere with the help of an Internet connection. On the other hand, in live training, whether it is online or classroom, they have fixed time of training sessions so that students should be present thereat a particular time. If anyone of learner miss the training due to any reason it can be a disadvantage.
With online training methods, recorded or live, you can save the cost as instructor and learners, both can conduct training from their home or office only and they don't need to travel anywhere. With the recorded training, employees can learn whenever they want without disturbing their own work schedules.
When virtual training material is all set, the cost of training per the employee is less, on the other side live training has a steady cost per employee.
If you want to cut the overall business costs, live training is not a good option. Instead, a simple way to do this is to record live webinars and classes so that they can be accessed later whenever you want.
Protected learning
Virtual training mostly takes place at your desk or at home, where it is common that interruption can arise. Whenever any other task is there, the learner has to pause their learning and return to it later. With this, learner loses productivity due to frequently switching tasks.
In live training, there is no any disturbance where the learner can really capture the data and will benefit from an instructor who can monitor the session.
Level of Personalization
one of the main disadvantages of traditional teaching methods is that there is a lot of information presented in a short period or we can say that teach so many things in a single session which makes it difficult to pay attention to for learners. With Elearning courses, such problems do not arise because learners get the chance to decide how much they will learn at one time.
Recorded eLearning is more feasible as smaller parts are easier to learn and grasp, also easier to work into a busy schedule.
Learning Time
An eLearning method can take 50 to 70% less class time than a traditional course. But even though the actual time may be less, the course itself takes over a longer period to complete. as students are taking lesser amounts of time over a span of more days, it is an important task of course designers to divide their content into a smaller portion, like three one hour long sessions are far better than one three-hour lesson.
Instructional Materials
most of the time, when you take a training course, the study material, of course, is presented verbally by an instructor, and sometimes it is explained with PowerPoint Presentation. But in eLearning, all the notes and study material take the place as the traditional instructor standing in front of the classroom and delivering the knowledge.
NearLearn is one of the best institutes in Bangalore which provides all the IT Professional courses online as well as via classroom mode. We provide training on top courses such as Data Science, Python programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning, React JS, React Native, Blockchain Technology, and many more.