Python is getting popularity day by day and it is sure it will be the first choice of developers until many years. As per the reports, it is expected that python will overtake other popular programming languages like c# and Java. There are so many benefits of using python and because of that many big companies like Netflix, Instagram and Google started using Python frameworks for web development.
Python frameworks make development much easier by offering a specific structure in development. It saves development time and allows developers to focus more on application logic instead of other elements.
There are two types of frameworks in Python
1 Full Stack Framework
2 Non-Full Stack Framework
Developers can take full support from full-stack frameworks including basic components like generators, template layouts, validation, etc.
How Python Developers make use of frameworks in their projects?
Sometimes there is a requirement of similar code for multiple projects. In such cases, instead of writing the same code for multiple projects can use ready-made components of the framework which saves both time and money.
Python is a powerfully composed and object-oriented programming language. It is easy-to-learn which effectively reduces the development time. Also, it is very reliable and has efficient speed. Python frameworks are very useful in becoming a backend developer which also improves programming skills and knowledge.
Django is a high level, free and open-source Python framework that supports developers to develop complex code and apps in less time and make the development process efficient. It is helpful in the development of quality web applications. It is broadly used to minimize code and for the quick development of web apps.
Django Key features:
Save development time
Database version control
Support for web servers
A wide variety of libraries
Object-relational mapper
URL routing
Support for authentication and internationalization.
It is a fast, minimalistic and simple python framework for developing data access or templating technologies. CherryPy offers multiple solutions to handle all types of projects, from smaller ones to the most demanding.
CherryPy Key Features:
A Built-in coverage, testing and profiling support
A built-in plugin system and tools for encoding and authentication
Built-in coverage, testing, and profiling support
Easy to run on multiple, simultaneous HTTP servers
The pyramid is mainly popular for minimalism. It is flexible, runs on Python 3, and allows the developer to develop basic web apps. Its popularity is gradually increasing and it is the most valued web framework among experienced developers. This framework is suitable for creating both complex and simple web apps
Pyramid Key Features:
URL generation.
Ability to run smoothly with both small and large apps
HTML structure validation and generation
All-embracing templating and asset details
Testing, support, and comprehensive data documentation
Flexible authentication and approval
TurboGears – an open-source, full-stack framework that is used for the rapid development of data-driven web apps. It is designed to overcome the insufficiencies of widely used web development frameworks. It offers the development of web apps with an insignificant setup.
TurboGears Key Features:
It supports different databases and web servers like Pylons.
Multi-database support.
Accessible command-line tools.
MochiKit JavaScript library integration.
Horizontal data partitioning
Web2py is a cross-platform framework that works with the code editor, debugger and it enables a developer to build and debug the code. Mainly it is a ticketing framework that issues a ticket to users whenever an error occurs.
Web2Py Key Features:
It has in-built components to manage HTTP requests, reactions, sessions, and cookies.
Backward compatibility
Built-in data security
Multiple protocol readability
Support for internationalization.
The bottle is a small-scale framework that was developed for building web APIs and simple applications. It can execute everything in a single source file which is an advantage and make easier to work in a single file. Also, it has no other dependencies except Python Standard Library.
Bottle Key Features:
Support for external template engines
A built-in HTTP server
Support for WSGI
URL-parameter support
Plugin support for different databases.
Flask is a WSGI framework that allows developers to choose what libraries and tools to use. Many big companies are using Flasks such as Pinterest and LinkedIn. Mainly It is suitable for small and easy projects.
Flask Key Features:
Built-in development server and fast debugger.
HTTP request handling
Integrated unit testing support
Support for plugging in any ORM
Supports secure cookies to establish client-side sessions
Unit testing support
Python has many frameworks and every framework has its own purpose. Some are more flexible than others while some are suitable for smaller projects than complex ones. From all of the Django is most powerful because of its time-saving capability. It is mostly used in financial and healthcare organizations to make processes easy in less time.
NearLearn provides Best Python Training in Bangalore with placement assistance. If you are interested in Python Django Certification, contact us for course fees, duration and for any other information.